Definition of Nerve center

1. Noun. A center that provides information and control. "The nerve center of the diamond industry is in Amsterdam"

Exact synonyms: Nerve Centre
Generic synonyms: Center, Centre

2. Noun. A cluster of nerve cells governing a specific bodily process. "In most people the speech center is in the left hemisphere"

Definition of Nerve center

1. Noun. (anatomy) A point at which nerves come together for the processing of information. ¹

2. Noun. By extension, a physical location in a business, organization, or agency where information procured from different sources is brought together to be considered and acted upon by decision-makers. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Nerve Center

nerve agent
nerve agents
nerve avulsion
nerve biopsy
nerve block
nerve block anaesthesia
nerve block anesthesia
nerve cell
nerve cell body
nerve cells
nerve center
nerve centers
nerve centre
nerve compression
nerve compression syndromes
nerve conduction
nerve conduction velocity
nerve cord
nerve deafness
nerve decompression
nerve degeneration
nerve end
nerve ending
nerve endings
nerve entrapment

Literary usage of Nerve center

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Psychology: A Study of Mental Life by Robert Sessions Woodworth (1921)
"Principally, we must add this fact, that a nerve center aroused to activity ... But a tendency means the arousing of a nerve center under conditions which ..."

2. The Popular Science Monthly (1884)
"What happens is this : An inhibitory nerve-impulse is sent from the cortex, and puts a stop to the indiscreet activity of a nerve- center elsewhere in the ..."

3. Centennial History of Missouri: (the Center State) One Hundred Years in the by Walter Barlow Stevens (1921)
"... the Nation's nerve center—EC Simmons, the Man of an Hour—The Prosperity Movement—Roosevelt's Indorsement—Two Original Missouri Industries—Genius and ..."

4. The Popular Science Monthly by Harry Houdini Collection (Library of Congress) (1886)
"To recapitulate : A nerve-center, theoretically speaking, we find \ consist of a sensory corpuscle on the one hand and a motor corpu on the other, ..."

5. The Fundamental Laws of Human Behavior: Lectures on the Foundations of Any by Max Friedrich Meyer (1911)
"If a "nerve center" is a system of neurons serving the purpose of uniting reflex arches into groups and such groups again into more comprehensive groups, ..."

6. Wisconsin Journal of Education by Wisconsin Education Association Council, Wisconsin Education Association, Wisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction (1887)
"Then again when we blush only that part of this nerve center which controls the bloodvessels leading to the face and neck has its action diminished by a ..."

7. Dynamic Sociology by Lester Frank Ward (1883)
"In one sense every nerve-center may be considered as a distinct individual, ... In the lowest organisms, in which there exists but one nerve-center, ..."

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